SURPRISE!!!! While Dee thought we were doing some hideous colors that Wendy pretended to pick this week, we were actually arranging a Blog Tour. We have MANY invited guests for this tour so be sure to scroll down to the list and visit everyone!!
ETA: I took a better picture of the card this morning!

Dee I hope you have a super Birthday.
Roseanne http://rosannes-blog.blogspot.com/
Avril http://totallyscrapaddicted.blogspot.com/
Tracey http://trays-spot.blogspot.com/
Sue http://suespapercreations.blogspot.com/
Steph http://mycraftydays.blogspot.com/
Stampin Pam http://paperandribbonsandstampsohmy.blogspot.com/
Donelda http://wiggysworldofcrafts.blogspot.com/
Deb Rymer http://debrymer.typepad.com/my_muse/
Ashley http://ashleynewell.blogspot.com/
And Us Loonies in case you need those too!!